1,908 research outputs found

    Smart Borders

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    Borders, as we know them today, are created most of times in war situations, and they are kept alive for the capacity of a credible response to a possible invasion. Only with the arrival of the globalization, which we can make coincide with the fall of the wall of Berlin in 1989, and with the development of the different supranational entities destined for the control and development of the trade (WTO), the borders acquire a strategic importance in the control of different flows, especially economic and migratory ones. We want to propose borders as porous systems, technologicals, but especially three-dimensionals, conforming themself as bridges between the different shores, a few antennas that not only catch and attract the forces of both realities, but also transmit to every side the realities, cultures and traditions of the inhabitants. We want to return to the concept of the old great bazaar, a place where persons on both sides of the border can meet, generating a new place of interchange (cultural, economic...). We think about the utilization of zeolites, or smart sponges as a metaphor of the functioning of these spaces: microporous solids with the aptitude to store selectively and then to return heat, water, gas, or even people and dreams

    Ceuta and Melilla Fences: A defensive System?

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    we want to focus on the alarming question of the assaults to Ceuta and Melilla’s fences, that occurred with a heightened frequency and strength during October 2005. They could be identified in the migratory asset, in a bigger movement of people without possibilities that cross the African continent, leaving their home in the hope of finding a better future in Europe. We want to show the actual situation as slow and misunderstood, as is the solution proposed for Spain: the militarization of border control (temporary?) and increasing the height of the fence from 3 to 6 meters where necessary, apart from the building of a third fence. These assaults demonstrate how the problem of immigration is not of each state on their own, but rather of the EU in general, as the adoption of Schengen Agreements allowed for free movements between member states. The solutions that are being proposed show more and more how the interests of the EU lay in strenghtening border control, with military forces if necessary, and in the politics of readmission with origin countries. We want to question the interaction of these migratory flows with the fences: of course the long way to reach Europe has many stops, dangers to avoid and ways to be walked, but it is in the arrival to the frontier with the EU we want to focus on. The fence is a permeable membrane according to the genre of flows it has to filter, but in the case of migratory ones it becomes a dense wall. We could say it generates an opposite vector force against the natural flow of migrants, whose only chance is to settle nearby while attempting to cross

    Sponge Borders

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    The latest expansion of the EU towards the East has again modified its borders, showing once again the intangibility and flexibility of the latter. The very definition of border acquires different meanings depending on which theme is being discussed: an impenetrable barrier against migratory flows and the introduction of goods, transforming itself into a strainer for the exporting of national products. The new Internal Affairs Commissioner for the EU, Rocco Buttiglione, affirms on the one hand that migratory flows cannot be blocked manu militari, although he also believes that Europe decides who can enter and who cannot. Even within Europe, and despite the Schengen Agreements, borders are taking shape in concrete situations, reminding us that their disappearance is not definitive. We should differentiate between natural borders and those erected by man; in reference to the latter we will focus on walls, such as the one no longer standing in Berlin or that illegally erected by Israel in the Occupied Territories, scoffing at the international bodies dedicated to the defense of human rights and freedoms. In reference to natural borders, in direct opposition to those made by man, and due to the dramatic events that are taking place, we will concentrate on the oceans, true black holes in which the dreams of immigrants come to a tragic end. The absence of man-made elements can be more powerful than the presence of the very same barriers. The interesting thing about the Berlin Wall, having certain similarities to the Great Wall of China, is its slow (but deliberate)transformation from Cold War symbol to souvenir and finally its disappearance altogether in favour of urbanistic exploitation. The best analysis of this condition, as R. Koolhaas states (encloses free space, leaving outside the enclosed city), resides in its mutable situation, sometimes improvised evolution, and others detailed planning. It seems unfathomable that after the disappearance of one wall someone could construct another, especially under considerations so stingy such as those carved out by Israel. A proposition for the borders of the future: In agreement with J. Deridda, although arbitrarily applying his thinking to our reflections, it will consist in constantly questioning the relevance of the limit/boundary, equilibrating the pressure between the interior and exterior, as if it were a permeable membrane. That way we would recognise that marginality is not on one side, but rather on both, inside and out, expanding this way the boundaries of mere vertical elements in strips, that would be enriched by their own state, no longer the soil of anyone, but rather a place in constant state of redefinition, in agreement with the existing pressures, the situation and conformity of the border. In essence a sponge that absorbs and repels human demands depending on its capacity (unlimited), becoming a meeting place instead of an element to be crossed

    Confluence in Probabilistic Rewriting

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    Driven by the interest of reasoning about probabilistic programming languages, we set out to study a notion of uniqueness of normal forms for them. To provide a tractable proof method for it, we define a property of distribution confluence which is shown to imply the desired uniqueness (even for infinite sequences of reduction) and further properties. We then carry over several criteria from the classical case, such as Newman's lemma, to simplify proving confluence in concrete languages. Using these criteria, we obtain simple proofs of confluence for λ1, an affine probabilistic λ-calculus, and for Q*, a quantum programming language for which a related property has already been proven in the literature.Fil: Díaz Caro, Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, Guido. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas; Argentin

    Multiscale computational first order homogenization of thick shells for the analysis of out-of-plane loaded masonry walls

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    This work presents a multiscale method based on computational homogenization for the analysis of general heterogeneous thick shell structures, with special focus on periodic brick-masonry walls. The proposed method is designed for the analysis of shells whose micro-structure is heterogeneous in the in-plane directions, but initially homogeneous in the shell-thickness direction, a structural topology that can be found in single-leaf brick masonry walls. Under this assumption, this work proposes an efficient homogenization scheme where both the macro-scale and the micro-scale are described by the same shell theory. The proposed method is then applied to the analysis of out-of-plane loaded brick-masonry walls, and compared to experimental and micro-modeling results.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Composite materials calculation using HPC-based multiscale technique

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    Calculating the behavior of large composite material structures still demanding large computational effort. The solu-tion proposed to tackle the problem is to combine multi-scale homogenization methods with the high performance computa-tional techniques available. This PhD work aims to implement inside the Alya HPC-code a multi-scale algorithm capable of solving this kind of problems in an efficient and accurate way

    Verificación de los Puntos Críticos de Control (PCC) en el Proceso de Producción del Matadero Cacique S.A. Km 15 ½ Carretera Nueva a León, Mateare Municipio de Managua, II Semestre, 2017

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    La realización de este trabajo tuvo lugar en el Matadero Cacique S.A. En él se aplican los principios del HACCP, los problemas sanitarios de la carne dependen en primer lugar del estado sanitario del animal y además de la higiene con la que se realizan todas las operaciones hasta que el alimento llega al consumidor. Sin embargo, los peligros biológicos son los que predominan en la carne ya que la composición química del alimento tiene mucha influencia en la vulnerabilidad a los riesgos microbiológicos. Por lo tanto, en este trabajo se dispuso realizar una verificación de los Puntos Críticos de Control (PCC) en el Proceso de Producción del Matadero Cacique S.A. se verificó que los Puntos Críticos de Control que contempla el Matadero Cacique S.A. son los siguientes: PCC1: Extracción de vísceras toráxicas y abdominales, PCC2: Lavado antibacteriano y PCC3: Enfriamiento de las medias canales. Además, que la empresa toma las acciones correctivas adecuadas para tenerlos bajo control. Así mismo se recomienda incluir en el manual HACCP del Matadero Cacique S.A. El PCC4 Almacenamiento del producto termino el cual fue identificado gracias la implementación de la matriz de severidad/probabilidad estableciendo que es un peligro significativo y con ayuda del árbol de decisiones, se determinó que este es un PCC y que la empresa no lo tiene establecido como tal, debido a que requiere un control en la temperatura de los cuartos fríos y del producto para evitar una alteración o la proliferación de patógenos en el producto acabado y así garantizar al consumidor un producto inocuo y de calidad

    Diseño de sistema de abastecimiento de agua potable MABE para el barrio Las Piedrecitas - sector 2 en el municipio de Matagalpa, departamento de Matagalpa

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    El presente trabajo describe en forma detallada el procedimiento a través del cual se desarrolló la propuesta de diseño de un mini acueducto por bombeo eléctrico para el Barrio Las Piedrecitas - sector 2, municipio de Matagalpa, departamento de Matagalpa, para un periodo de 20 años; con el propósito ayudar a resolver el problema del agua potable que presenta la zona, siendo éste un asentamiento nuevo

    Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre el DIU (T de cobre 380 A) como método de planificación familiar, en mujeres adolescentes que acuden a su atención al centro de adolescentes en salud reproductiva en el Hospital Bertha Calderón Roque, durante el periodo de Febrero-Marzo 2015

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    Identificar el nivel de conocimiento, actitudes y prácticas sobre el DIU, en mujeres adolescentes que acuden a su atención al Centro de Adolescentes en Salud Reproductivas en el Hospital Bertha Calderón Roque, durante Febrero y Marzo del año 2015. Es un estudio descriptivo, corte transversal, donde se estudió el nivel de conocimiento, actitud y práctica en una muestra de 40 adolescentes, que participaron voluntariamente. Se realizó una encuesta donde se midieron estas variables, utilizando la escala de Likert. De las adolescentes encuestadas, el 50% se encontraban entre las edades de 17 a 19 años. El nivel de escolaridad mayor obtenido en las participantes fue el de Secundaria con 60%. El estado civil que con mayor predominio se mostró fue Unión estable, con más del 50%. Dentro de los datos gineco obstétricos más destacados, la Menarca se presentó más en las edades de 9 a 11 años con 57.5%. No así la IVSA; entre los 14 a 16 años de edad. El medio de información que más impactó en las adolescentes para obtener conocimiento fue el personal médico con 37.5%. El nivel de conocimiento alcanzado por las adolescentes fue Regular con 72.5%. El tipo de Actitud que demostraron ante el uso del DIU fue Favorable con 90% y por último el tipo de Práctica que prevaleció fue Buena en las 24 adolescentes que usaron este método. Conclusiones. En la población adolescente es indispensable la información exhaustiva acerca de este método, seguro y eficaz; al invertir en mejoras en el lugar de espera en el centro de Adolescentes, como medios audiovisuales con enfoque de planificación segura, usando normativas como 0-20. En los centros educativos bajo supervisión y lineamientos del MINED, crear un espacio en asignatura que se relacione con la salud y sexualidad de los estudiantes. Y en el personal de salud seguir más de cerca a este grupo de población para evitar la cadencia generacional sobre los métodos anticonceptivos, en particular sobre el DIU
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